
学習システム研究 Issue 5 Page 15-27 published_at 2017-03-31
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TRDLS-jpn_5_15.pdf 1.28 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Developing mentoring programs supporting curriculum design by Japanese history teachers
Ishikawa Teruko
Source Title
Issue 5
Start Page 15
End Page 27
 本稿の目的は,高校の若手日本史教師を対象に,カリキュラム全体をデザインする力の育成を支援するためのメンタリング・プログラムを開発,提案することである。歴史学習,特に日本史B では通史学習が前提となっており,通史で学ぶ意味を若手教師が自ら再考することには限界がある。そこでメンターの支援によって,日本史教授の目的を絶えず問い直しながら自らの授業の省察を促すことで,歴史を学ぶことそれ自体が目的化した日本史カリキュラムを再構築できることをメンタリングの目標とする。
 提案する本プログラムは「自分の授業実践の目標を意識化する」,「授業の選択可能性を広げる」,「自己の変化をメタ認知する」という3 つのフェーズ(局面)から成り立ち,各フェーズに共通するメンタリングの基本的なプロセスは,①授業観察→②アンケート→③対話→④資料提供→⑤フォローアップ,の5 段階である。本プログラムは,同じ県内に在職する他校の若手教師の協力を得て実施した試行プランに修正を加え,さらに同僚・専門家の助言を得て再構成したものである。本プログラムの中核をなす「ねらい」についての度重なる対話は,一定期間にわたって継続して行われるため,一回限りの授業ではなかなか気づくことのできない自らの授業理論を意識化することを可能とする。また,それを通じて通史学習に内在する課題を自覚したうえで日本史カリキュラムをデザインできるゲートキーパーとしての教師の成長が期待できる。
The objective of this paper is the development and proposal of a mentoring program to help novice high school teachers of Japanese history build expertise for designing overall history curriculum. Learning history, and Japanese History B in particular, presuppose a chronological curriculum; thus, there are limits on the extent to which novice teachers can reconsider the meaning of learning history in their chronological history curriculum. Consequently, the support of a mentor can allow Japanese history teachers to continually reassess their objectives and reflect on their teaching, such that they can reconstruct their curricula, which have come to make the learning history itself their primary purposes.

The mentoring program proposed here is comprised of three phases: Ⅰ. Creating awareness of the practical purposes of one’s classes, Ⅱ. Increasing alternatives within one’s classes, and Ⅲ. Developing a metarecognition of one’s own growth. There is a five-step mentoring process that is shared by these phases. The fundamental process is: ①Class observation → ②Surveys → ③Dialogs → ④Providing resource materials → ⑤Follow up. The mentoring program has been revised based on the results of a pilot survey that took a prototype developed by the author and implemented it with the collaboration with novice teachers in the same prefecture. The final version has also been adjusted following advice from colleagues and specialists. Since the repeated dialogs on “objectives”, which form the nucleus of this mentoring program, are carried out in an on-going process over a fixed period, it allows teachers to develop an awareness of their own rationales of class, which they would not be able to do over the span of a single session. Hence, we can expect growth for these teachers, who serve as the gatekeepers designing their Japanese history courses, with an understanding of the issues inherent to a chronological history curriculum.

The significance of this paper is that it seeks to specify and visualize the aims of each phase of this mentoring process, which has been something of a “black box” to date. Furthermore, it is also possible to apply the diverse and concrete intervention methods in the mentoring program for Japanese history teachers to other subjects’ teachers, as well as guidance for student teachers.
Mentoring Program
Teaching Gatekeeping
Curriculum Design
Chronological History Learning
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type journal article
学習システム促進研究センター (RIDLS)
Date of Issued 2017-03-31
Copyright (c) 2017 学習システム促進研究センター
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 2189-9487