Eating Behavior of Chicks to 4 Weeks of Age

広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 11 Issue 1 Page 15-22 published_at 1972-07-31
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JFacFishAnim_11_15.pdf 717 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Eating Behavior of Chicks to 4 Weeks of Age
Title ( jpn )
Asahida Yasushi
Mimura Ko
Source Title
Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
Volume 11
Issue 1
Start Page 15
End Page 22
鶏の採食行動は,自らの生理的条件のほか,照明時間および照度・飼料の形状や質・飼槽の大小・つつきの順位・社会的促進などによって大きく影響を受けることは知られている.しかし幼雛については必ずしも明らかにされていない.そこで,1群3羽の白色レグホーン種雄雛を用いて,餌つけ後2日(3日齢)から4週齢まで採食行動その他を検討した.雛は1日10時間(7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)照明を与え,この間に自由採食させた.各週齢において連続2日間,1羽ごとの採食行動を30秒間隔で観察し,併せて飼料消費量を記録した.

1) 採食に費した時聞を,10時間の百分率でみると3日齢33%,4日齢42%で10日齢以降では50~60%であった.すなわち,餌つけ後ほぼ1週間に,採食に費す時聞は急激に増えて,その後3週間はほぼ一定となる.しかし採食速度(毎分採食量,g)は週齢につれて明らかに増えることが認められた.
2) 雛は,日齢に関係なく,点灯直後と消灯直前に最も活発な採食活動を行ない,文献の成績と一致した.しかし採食速度は週齢につれて午後に増大する傾向が認められた.
3) 2週齢以降において,採食活動の少ない雛の方が体重が大きかった.つつきの順位との関連があるのかもしれない.
1. A group of 3 chicks were reared from 0 to 4 weeks of age in a brooder with food available ad libitum and their eating behavior during 10-hour days was observed.

2. Between 10 and 32 days of age chicks used 50-60% of a 10-hour day eating, while those at 3 and 4 days of age did use only 33% and 42%, respectively. The daily mean rate of eating, expressed as gram food per minute, increased with the progress of age in weeks.

3. The diurnal rhythm in the eating activity agreed with the previous reports. The food intake followed an overall pattern similar to their respective eating activities.

4. The older the chicks, the higher the rate of eating attained in the late afternoon.

5. After 2 weeks of age, the heavier the chicks, the lesser the time spent for eating.
Zoology [ 480 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1972-07-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0440-8756
[NCID] AN00213563
[NAID] 40018463806