走島の漁業 : Ⅱ. ウマヅラハギNavodon modestus(GÜNTHER)の産卵生態

広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 7 Issue 1 Page 63-75 published_at 1967-07-31
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JFacFishAnim_7_63.pdf 2.89 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
走島の漁業 : Ⅱ. ウマヅラハギNavodon modestus(GÜNTHER)の産卵生態
Title ( eng )
Fisheries in Hashiri-shima : II. Spawning of a file-fish, Navodon modestus (GÜNTHER)
Murakami Yutaka
Onbe Takashi
Source Title
Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
Volume 7
Issue 1
Start Page 63
End Page 75
 瀬戸内海中央部における重要魚類の産卵生態に関する研究の一環として,備後灘におけるウマヅラハギNavodon modestus (GÜNTHER) の産卵について調査を行なった.
A study was carried out to clarify the spawning of a file-fish, Navodon modestus (GÜNTHER), in the Bingo Nada area, as a serial study on the spawning ecology of the commercially important fishes in the central part of the Inland Sea of Japan.

As described in previous paper, the file-fish are caught abundantly by the masu-ami, a kind of pound net, in Bingo Nada, operated during the three months from April until June. Since most of the fish in these months have well developed gonads, they are considered to be spawners.

Observations on ovaries of several samples taken at different times from March through May indicated a rapid development of ovaries during the period. From the analysis of the frequency distribution of diameter of ovarian eggs, the spawning of Navodon modestus may occur at least more than once during the spawning season.

On the basis of the catch records and from the nature of the eggs of the aluterid fishes in general, it was presumed that the file-fish may spawn somewhere along the coasts of islands in Bingo Nada. Efforts had been devoted to find the eggs spawned in nature, especially in Sargassum zones along several islands. A large amount of Sargassum, together with the bottom sediments nearby, were collected at low water and thoroughly examined. Finally, in early June, 1963, 92 eggs were found among Sargassum serratifolium collected near St. I, located at south-western coast of Hashiri-shima.

These eggs were identical in structure and size with the eggs of Navodon modestus obtained by artificial fertilization. It was thus made clear that some of the file-fish may spawn in Sargassum zones.

A consideration was given on the possibility that the eggs of Navodon modestus may not so firmly adhere to substrates in nature as in the laboratory.
Fishing industry. Fisheries [ 660 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1967-07-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0440-8756
[NCID] AN00213563