An artificial hybrid between White Leghorn Cock and Japanese Green Pheasant Hen produced by insemination

広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 129-137 published_at 1963-12-20
アクセス数 : 857
ダウンロード数 : 247

今月のアクセス数 : 11
今月のダウンロード数 : 4
JFacFishAnim_5_129.pdf 4.29 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
An artificial hybrid between White Leghorn Cock and Japanese Green Pheasant Hen produced by insemination
Title ( jpn )
Watanabe Moriyuki
Yamane Jinshin
Tsukunaga Satoru
Takahashi Toshio
Source Title
Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
Volume 5
Issue 1
Start Page 129
End Page 137
1. 広島方式授精法は次の3点から成る.
(1) 精液採取に当つては創案した鳥類保定器を利用して雄鶏の腹部マッサージを行った.
(2) 原精液は諺透圧を調節した卵ク液で1: 4の割合で稀釈した.
(3) 精液は子宮内に注入した.
2. 用いた卵ク液の成分は次の通りである. 6.5%Na3C6Hs07・2Hp液1容量+9.0%ブドウ糖液1容量+鶏卵黄2容量.
3. キジ♀は一回授精を行った翌々日一卵を産したのみで,その後産卵を停止したが, この唯一の卵は受精し,順調に勝化育成することができ,現在完全に生長している.
4. 本実験はただ一回のみの施術であり,一卵を生産したのみであるに拘らず,これが完全に受精し且従来瞬化育成に困難視されていたニワトリ×キジ雑種が成鳥にまで生育したことは,応用した広島方式家禽人工授精術が鳥類の種間叉は属問雑種の作出に有力な手段であることを示すものである.
5. 乙の実験で作出した雑種は,交配した両親が,前研究者のものと因子型を異にしているために.,烏学文献上未知の形態を表わし,その頭部の装飾は寧ろスミレキジに酷似するものとなつて現われた.
An attempt was made to test the availability of the "Hiroshima" method of artificial insemination for producing the intergeneric hybrid between Single Comb White Leghorn cock and Japanese Green Pheasant hen (Phasianus versicolor VIEILLOT).

1. The method was composed of (1) semen collection by abdominal massage with use of a bird-holder, (2) dilution of semen with osmotically adjusted egg yolkcitrate buffer at rate of 1: 4 and (3) insemination into the uterus.
2. The constituents of the buffer was: one volume 6.5% Na3C6H 50 7 ·2H20 solution+ one volume 9.0% glucose solution+ two volumes fowl egg yolk.
3. Having laid one egg on the second day after a single insemination, the pheasant hen stopped further laying. Nevertheless, this one and only egg was fertile and a male hybrid has developed to adult.
4. It seems to show that the technique here used is fairly available with success for interspecific or intergeneric hybridization of birds.
5. The type of the hybrid produced thereby was quite different from that of chicken-pheasant hybrids known in the ornithological literature, rather resembling the English Pheasant.
This research was supported in part by a grant from the Ministry of Education for the "Studies of Artificial Insemination of Poultry", a joint work of Hiroshima Agricultural College and Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University.
Zoology [ 480 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1963-12-20
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0440-8756
[NCID] AN00213563