Electronic Structures of Aromatic Cluster Ions

Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XLIII on Structures and Dynamics of Clusters : May 10-13, 1995, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan Page 357-362 published_at 1996
アクセス数 : 860
ダウンロード数 : 120

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StrucDynamClust_1996_357.pdf 263 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Electronic Structures of Aromatic Cluster Ions
Ohashi Kazuhiko
Nakai Yasuhiro
Shibata Takeshi
Nishi Nobuyuki
Contributors Yamada Science Foundation
Source Title
Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XLIII on Structures and Dynamics of Clusters : May 10-13, 1995, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan
Start Page 357
End Page 362
The photodissociation spectra are observed for cluster ions of several aromatic molecules including benzene, toluene, and phenol. Benzene cluster ions, (C6H6)n+ with n = 3-6, retain spectroscopic features characteristic of (C6H6)2+, suggesting that the positive charge is carried by a dimer subunit in (C6H6)n+. The spectrum of (benzene-toluene)+ shows charge resonance bands, which are commonly seen in homo-dimer ions. The resonance interaction is also important in the hetero-dimer ion, despite the difference in the ionization potentials between the two components. Phenol dimer ion exhibits no strong charge resonance band, although it is a homo-dimer ion. Owing to the geometrical constraint of an O-H・・・O hydrogen bond, the two aromatic rings cannot be in a parallel configuration suitable for the resonance interaction.
Chemistry [ 430 ]
Resource Type book
Universal Academy Press
Date of Issued 1996
Copyright (c) 1996 by Universal Academy Press, Inc. and Yamada Science Foundation
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISBN] 4946443304