Valuation of Travel Time Savings in Commuting Traffic by Introducing a New Monorail System to Colombo City

IDEC DP2 Series Volume 5 Issue 4 Page 1-13 published_at 2015-10-08
アクセス数 : 1236
ダウンロード数 : 190

今月のアクセス数 : 7
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IDEC-DP2_05-4.pdf 299 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Valuation of Travel Time Savings in Commuting Traffic by Introducing a New Monorail System to Colombo City
Dinushi Anupama Manoratna
Yoshida Yuichiro
Source Title
IDEC DP2 Series
Volume 5
Issue 4
Start Page 1
End Page 13
This study estimates the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for commuters who travel to Colombo city in traffic congestion when the proposed monorail system is in place. The model considers a mono-centric city with symmetrically distributed radial highways converging toward the central business district (CBD), with an inelastic commuter demand. The model assumes that the congestible highway and the congestion-free monorail can be accessed at all points along the travel corridor, but travelers only exit at the CBD. We compare the aggregate travel time savings (ATTS) from different monorail scenarios, with the introduction of a toll as a necessary condition to generate an efficient outcome. The results show that for a monorail running at an average speed of 40 km/h a length of 26.3 km from the CBD will optimize investment and contribute travel time savings of 105 million Rs. per day or 189 million USD per year to the Sri Lankan economy. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate the effects of monorail speed, commuter income, social interest rate, employment density distribution, and population growth on ATTS.
Traffic Congestion
Mono-Centric City
Transportation services [ 680 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2015-10-08
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access