Strong adhesiveness of a new biodegradable hydrogel glue, LYDEX, for use on articular cartilage

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Title ( eng )
Strong adhesiveness of a new biodegradable hydrogel glue, LYDEX, for use on articular cartilage
Title ( jpn )
自己分解性を有する生体接着剤 LYDEX の関節軟骨に対する接着性の検討
Kazusa Hiromi
Aim: Until recently, only fibrin glue has been available for clinical usage to repair articular cartilage, although its adhesiveness is not strong enough for use with articular cartilage, and it is derived from human blood and thus carries the risk of contamination. Recently, LYDEX, a new biodegradable hydrogel glue, has come onto the market. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adhesive strength and cytotoxicity of LYDEX when used on articular cartilage.

Materials and Methods: The differing adhesive strengths of collagen membrane and articular cartilage with LYDEX versus with fibrin glue were measured using a tensile tester. In addition, the cytotoxity of LYDEX in vitro was evaluated. The cytotoxity of LYDEX for the articular cartilage of rats was evaluated histopathologically.

Results: The adhesive strength of LYDEX was significantly stronger than that of fibrin glue, giving values about 3.8 times higher. LYDEX has no discernible effect on normal articular cartilage.

Conclusions: Our study is the first to assess the usefulness and safety of LYDEX for use on articular cartilage.
Articular cartilage
Adhesive strength
Biodegradable hydrogel glue
Collagen membrane
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Copyright(c) by Author
Publish Type Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights open access
[Created] 2014-11-21
Source Identifier
Hiromi Kazusa, Tomoyuki Nakasa, Hayatoshi Shibuya, Shingo Ohkawa, Goki Kamei, Nobuo Adachi, Masataka Deie, Naoki Nakajima, Suong-Hyu Hyon, and Mitsuo Ochi; Strong adhesiveness of a new biodegradable hydrogel glue, LYDEX, for use on articular cartilage.; J Appl Biomater Funct Mater. 2013 Dec 16;11(3) 180-186 (doi: 10.5301/JABFM.5000164) references
Dissertation Number 甲第6268号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2013-11-28
Degree Grantors