A Study on Implementation of Decentralized Rural Development in Indonesia : Case of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Central Java Province

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Title ( eng )
A Study on Implementation of Decentralized Rural Development in Indonesia : Case of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Central Java Province
Title ( jpn )
インドネシアにおける地方分権下での農村開発に関する研究 : 中部ジャワのプルバリンガ県内三つの村を事例に
Following the fall of New Order regime, Indonesian government launched the policy of decentralization in 2001. It transferred power, financial resources as well as personnel to district government. Rural development became the responsibility of district government, especially to allocate the budget, to implement the program as well as to monitor and evaluate. Decentralization laws also mandated rural development based on principle of diversity, participatory and community empowerment.

While the administration has systematically applied decentralized system, several macroeconomic indicators shows that decentralization has not completely led to successful rural development. GDP growth as well as the decline in poverty rate was getting slower under decentralization (BPS, Bappenas, & UNDP, 2001). World Bank (2007), which conducts panel data analysis on several development sectors in Indonesia, concludes that there is still no clear trend resulted from Indonesian decentralization on the quality of public service.……
Social science [ 300 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Copyright(c) by Author
Publish Type Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights open access
Dissertation Number 甲第6261号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2013-09-25
Degree Grantors