Active Tectonics and Intraplate Paleoseismic Activities, Southwest Japan

アクセス数 : 595
ダウンロード数 : 136

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diss_otsu2848.pdf 86.4 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Active Tectonics and Intraplate Paleoseismic Activities, Southwest Japan
Title ( jpn )
Tsukuda Eikichi
Abstract / p1
1. Introduction / p3
2. Active tectonics of southwest Japan / p5
 2.1 zonal arrangement of southwest Japan arc / p5
 2.2 Activity of the Median Tectonic Line / p5
 2.3 Forearc basins of southwest Japan / p6
 2.4 Deformation of the Shikoku zone / p7
 2.5 Seto'uchi shear zone / p8
 2.6 Right-lateral shear zone of central Kyushu / p10
 2.7 Development of tectonic landform of southwest Japan arc / p11
 2.8 Zonal arrangement of Ryukyu arc and Okinawa trough / p12
 2.9 Junction between the southwest Japan arc and the Ryukyu arc / p13
3. Paleoseismicity of southwest Japan / p14
 3.1 Migration of large earthquakes in central Japan / p14
 3.2 Intraplate paleoseismic activities of southwest Japan arc / p20
4. Faults of the 1995 Hyogo-ken nanbu (Kobe) earthquake / p23
5. Discussions / p25
6. Conclusions / p26
References / p28
Earth sciences. Geology [ 450 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Copyright(c) by Author
Publish Type Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights open access
Dissertation Number 乙第2848号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 1996-03-21
Degree Grantors