経済世界のアロメトリー : "見せかけの相関はなぜ生じるか?" <論文>

アクセス数 : 1176
ダウンロード数 : 199

今月のアクセス数 : 6
今月のダウンロード数 : 1
Title ( jpn )
経済世界のアロメトリー : "見せかけの相関はなぜ生じるか?" <論文>
Title ( eng )
On the spurious correlations among the ratio data induced by "the Law of Power Function" <Articles>
Source Title
広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. II, 環境科学研究
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. II, Studies in environmental sciences
Volume 6
Start Page 1
End Page 7
Most of the statistical data have power functional relationships with the size of the population, and therefore these statistical data fall in the powerfunctional relationships each other. These relations were analyzed through the derivations based on the simple model, and the law underlying these relations was called as "the Law of Power Function". These power functional relationships necessarily cause the spurious correlations in the regression analyses. These analyses cast doubt the basic methodology of the econometrical analyses.
Economics [ 330 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2011-12-31
Copyright (c) 2011 Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved.
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1881-7696
[NCID] AA12198658