Star excursion balance test を用いた中高齢者のバランス能力評価

理学療法科学 Volume 24 Issue 6 Page 827-831 published_at 2009-12-20
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Title ( jpn )
Star excursion balance test を用いた中高齢者のバランス能力評価
Title ( eng )
Assessment of Balance Using the Star Excursion Balance Test for 50- to 60-Years-Olds
Sasaki Rieko
Urabe Yukio
Source Title
Volume 24
Issue 6
Start Page 827
End Page 831
[目的]本研究の目的はバランス能力評価として用いられるテストとKinzeyらによって1998年に報告されたstar excursion balance test(SEBT)の相関関係を明らかにすることを目的に行った。[対象]健康な中高齢者17名(男性13名,女性4名,平均年齢62.8±6.2歳)を対象とした。[方法]我々は10 m歩行や30秒間椅子立ち上がりテスト,開眼および閉眼片脚立位保持時間を測定した。加えてSEBTを実施した。[結果]SEBTと10 m歩行時間,および開眼片脚立位保持時間には有意な相関は認められなかった。SEBTとCS-30には,SEBTの全方向と有意な正の相関が認められ,SEBTと閉眼片脚立位保持時間ではSEBTのPL(postero-lateral;後外方),PO(posterior;後方),PM(postero-medial;後内方)への下肢リーチ距離と有意な正の相関が認められた。[結語]中高齢者のバランス能力の評価では後方や後斜方への下肢リーチ動作にも注目する必要があると考える。
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between tests used as balance ability test and the star excursion balance test (SEBT) for 50- to 60-year-olds which was reported by Kinzey et al. in 1998. [Subjects] Seventeen healthy 50- to 60-year-olds (13 males and 4 females, mean age was 62.8 ± 6.2 years old) participated in this study. [Methods] We conducted balance ability tests such as 10 m walking distance, the 30-s chair-stand test (CS-30) and one-leg standing time with eyes open and closed. In addition, we performed SEBT. [Results] There was no correlation between 10 m walking distance and SEBT or between one-leg standing time with eyes open and SEBT. On the other hand, there were the significant correlations between CS-30 and all reach directions in SEBT, between one-leg standing time with eyes closed and postero-lateral (PL) in SEBT, and between posterior (PO) and postero-medial (PM) in SEBT. [Conclusion] These results suggest that it is necessary for the balance ability of 50- to 60-year-olds to assess reach distance of the lower extremity such as in the posterior, postero-lateral and postero-medial of directions.
star excursion balance test
reach distance of the lower extremity
50- to 60-year-olds
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2009-12-20
Copyright (c) 2010 理学療法科学学会
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1341-1667
[DOI] 10.1589/rika.24.827
[NCID] AN10472896