ギリシャ語-リュキア語名詞に現れる母音交代と鼻母音化について : 人名・地名を素材として <論文>

プロピレア 15 号 15-27 頁 2003-12-31 発行
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タイトル ( jpn )
ギリシャ語-リュキア語名詞に現れる母音交代と鼻母音化について : 人名・地名を素材として <論文>
タイトル ( eng )
Synchronic studies in the comparative phonology of Greek and Lycian <ARTICLES>
松川 陽平
開始ページ 15
終了ページ 27
[PISSN] 0915-7425
[EISSN] 2759-6494
[NCID] AN10424929
In this paper I have examined two phonological problems in Greek and Lycan:

First, I point out Umlaut phenomena by utilizing the Greek personal names transcribed from the Lycian ones in the 'Létôon Trilingual' (Lycian-Greek-Aramaic). Hajnal (1995:11) says that since Lycian /e/, /u/ and /i/ are transcribed into Greek /a/, /o/ and /e/ respectively in the Trilingual, those vowels in fact became more open in pronunciation.

lyk. <e> → griech. <α>: Pubieleje → Πυβιαλης, Purihimetehe → Πυριματης

lyk. <u> → griech. <ο>: Urtaqijahñ → Ορτακις

lyk. <i> → griech. <ε>: Mizu → Μεσος

As is shown in this paper, however, the Lycian vowels do not always correspond to the Greek ones. Rather, I illustrate the Umlaut rule: Lycian /i/ becomes Greek /e/ before /ē/, /o/, /ō/ in Greek.

Erttimeli > Άρτεμηλιν, Ikkwemi > Ένδυομις, Mizu > Μεσος, Zisqqa > Σεσκως

With respect to the phonological change: Lycian /u/ → Greek /o/, I also show another Umlaut rule: Lycian /u/ becomes Greek /o/ before Greek /a/.

Mule > Μολα, Qñturahaha > Κονδοραστς, χuwataje > Κοατα, χudara > Κοδαρας, Urtaqijahñ > Ορτακιας

Unfortunately, it is not possible to introduce any phonological rule to restrict Lycian /e/ → Greek /a/ at the moment. However, I give some counterexamples to the phonological change of Lycian /e/ → Greek /a/ in Hajnal, loc.cit.

Secondly, I describe two synchronic nasalization rules in Lycian in terms of the Lycian names transcribed from the Greek ones. Historically, Hajnal(1995:219) investigated a nasalization rule: */-CV'NT(-, #)/ > /-CV'nT(-, #)/. Synchronically, it is possible to add another nasalization rule: /-CVNT(-, #)/ > /-CVnT(-, #)/ because Lycian has two examples, such as Καδύανδα ~ χdawãti and Λύσανδρος ~ Lusãtrahñ(/Lusñtrahñ/ Lusãñtrahn). Besides, there was possibility that Lycian could nasalize vowel before dorsal stop. Example: Ιδαγρης ~ Idãχre.
その他の諸言語 [ 890 ]
資源タイプ 学術雑誌論文
発行日 2003-12-31
Copyright (c) 2003 日本ギリシア語ギリシア文学会
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0915-7425
[NCID] AN10424929