Search for Superpartner of Electron and Muon in the e[+]e[-] Reactions up to the √s of 61.4GeV

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diss_ko827.pdf 40.3 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( eng )
Search for Superpartner of Electron and Muon in the e[+]e[-] Reactions up to the √s of 61.4GeV
タイトル ( jpn )
竹谷 篤
An experimental search for scalar electron and scalar muon, the super-symmetric partner of electron and muon, has been performed at TRISTAN e+e- collider at the National Laboratory of High Energy Physics, using the VENUS detector. The study has been made at center-of-mass energies from 55 to 61.4GeV with an integrated luminosity of 29.2pb-1. No events which are due to scalar electron or scalar muon are observed and lower mass limits are obtained as functions of photino mass.
Contents / p1
1 Introduction / p3
 1.1 Standard model / p3
 1.2 Supersymmetry / p7
 1.3 Two-photon process / p11
2 Experimental Procedure / p13
 2.1 TRISTAN Accelerator / p13
 2.2 VENUS detector / p15
3 Trigger system / p24
 3.1 First-level trigger / p25
 3.2 Second-level trigger / p41
4 Data Analysis / p44
 4.1 Pre-selection / p44
 4.2 Electron-pair event selection / p48
 4.3 Muon-pair event selection / p49
 4.4 Selection for heavy stable particles / p50
 4.5 Luminosity measurement / p51
5 Results and Discussion / p53
 5.1 Background for two-photon process / p53
 5.2 Lepton production from two-photon collision / p58
 5.3 Search for superpartner / p63
6 Conclusion / p77
A Look-up table / p82
B Two-track limited trigger modules / p84
C Beam test of hadron response in the LG calorimeter / p86
物理学 [ 420 ]
資源タイプ 博士論文
Copyright(c) by Author
出版タイプ Not Applicable (or Unknown)(適用外。または不明)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
学位授与番号 甲第827号
学位授与年月日 1990-03-26