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StudHealthPhysEduc_8_31.pdf 244 KB 種類 : 全文
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A Study on isokinetic Muscle Contraction of Upper Limb and Lower Limb in Swimmers.
菊地 邦雄
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究
Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. VI, Studies in health and physical education
開始ページ 31
終了ページ 38
水泳選手, 男子13名(年齢14~17歳), 女子8名(年齢12~15歳)の合計21名を被検者として, 上肢, 下肢の等速性筋力を測定し, つぎの結果を得た。

(1) 下肢のピークトルクは, 上肢のそれより, 男女ともに上まわった。

(2) 上肢, 下肢のピークトルクともに, 男子は女子を上まわり, 上肢の女子のピークトルクは男子のそれの59.0~65.0%, 下肢のそれは59.2~78.5%であった。

(3) 上肢の%ピークトルクでは, 男女差はみられないが, 下肢のそれでは, 女子が男子を上まわった。

(4) 同じ角速度における上肢の%ピークトルクと下肢のそれとの間には, 男女ともに有意な相関はみとめられなかった。

(5) 競泳種目別の上肢のピークトルクと下肢のピークトルクとの関係では, 自由形, 背泳, バタフライは, 下肢のピークトルクが上肢のピークトルクを上まわり, 平泳は一定の傾向を示さなかった。
The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of isokinetic muscle contraction of upper limb and lower limb.

Thirteen male swimmers aged 14 to 17 years and eight famale swimmers aged 12 to 15 years were served in this experiment.

Upper arm extension and leg extension were determined by measuring the peak torque generated through a range of constant velocity of the use of an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II, Lumex Inc.).

First, each subject was in sitting position in a chair with the knee angle 90 degrees, and swag the right leg in vigorous knee extension at the velocity of 30, 120, 210 and 300 °/sec. Secondarily, each subject lay on its face in a long chair with the elbow angle 120 degrees, and shook the right upper limb at the same each velocity of knee extension.

The results were summarized as follow;

1) Peak torque of lower limb was superior to that of upper limb in male and female swimmers.

2) Peak torque of male swimmers was greater than that of female swimmers in upper limb and lower limb.

3) No apparent difference of male and female was found in % peak torque of upper limb, but % peak torque of female was superior to that of male in lower limb.

4) In free, back and butterfly swimming styles, peak torque of lower limb was greater that of upper limb. In breast swimming style, no an apparent tendency was observed in peak torque of upper limb and lower limb.
スポーツ・体育 [ 780 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1991-02-28
Copyright (c) 1990 by Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved.
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0289-3002
[NCID] AN10019090