A geochemical study of naturally occurring arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh: Factors controlling spatial variation of arsenic concentration in groundwater

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Title ( eng )
A geochemical study of naturally occurring arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh: Factors controlling spatial variation of arsenic concentration in groundwater
Title ( jpn )
バングラデシュにおける自然発生のヒ素汚染地下水に関する地球化学的研究 : 地下水中のヒ素濃度の空間分布を規制する要因について
Itai Takaaki
Earth sciences. Geology [ 450 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Copyright(c) by Author
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
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Dissertation Number 甲第4876号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2009-03-23
Degree Grantors