Distribution and biology of epipelagic animals in the northern North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas-I. Fishes and squids in the southern Okhotsk Sea and western North Pacific Ocean off the Kuril Islands in the autumn of 1993

遠洋水産研究所研究報告 Volume 33 Page 149-170 published_at 1996-03
アクセス数 : 811
ダウンロード数 : 118

今月のアクセス数 : 2
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
Title ( eng )
Distribution and biology of epipelagic animals in the northern North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas-I. Fishes and squids in the southern Okhotsk Sea and western North Pacific Ocean off the Kuril Islands in the autumn of 1993
Title ( jpn )
北部北太平洋および周辺海域における表層生物の分布と生物学(1) : 1993年秋季のオホーツク海南部と北西太平洋における魚類といか類
Ueno Yasuhiro
Azuma Teruo
Ogura Miki
Startsev Alexander V.
Ivanova Irena M.
Morris John F. T.
Source Title
Volume 33
Start Page 149
End Page 170
A surface-trawl survey was conducted by the R/V Kaiyo mare in the southern Okhotsk Sea and western North Pacific Ocean off the Kuril Islands in October and November 1993. The distributions and abundances of the species caught are described and discussed. Twenty-four fish species (1 lamprey, 1 shark, and 22 teleosts) and one squid species were identified. Juvenile Pacific salmon (6 species of the genus Oncorhynchus) were the most abundant, followed by myctophids, juvenile arabesque greenling (Pleurogrammus azonus), and gonatids including boreopacific gonate squid (Gonatopsis borealis) and probably schoolmaster gonate squid (Berryteuthis magister). Northern smoothtongue (Leuroglossus schmidti) were also abundant. Juvenile arabesque greenling were abundantly taken in the Okhotsk Sea in October but disappeared from the surface waters in November because they settled on the bottom. There were marked differences in the oceanic distribution of arabesque greenling and Atka mackerel (P. monopter ygius), suggesting that these species segregate their habitats. Northern smoothtongue mostly occurred in the Okhotsk Sea, and myctophids were caught in the North Pacific Ocean. We conclude that the surface layer of the southern Okhotsk Sea provides favorable habitats for the feeding and growth of juvenile salmonids, arabesque greenling, and other epipelagic migratory species from summer to mid-autumn but ends its role in late autumn with decreasing sea-surface temperatures.
oceanic distribution
Pacific salmon
epipelagic fishes and squids
Okhotsk Sea
North Pacific Ocean
Zoology [ 480 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 1996-03
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0386-7285
[NCID] AN00025949
[URI] http://rms1.agsearch.agropedia.affrc.go.jp/contents/library/jnr/enyo.html isVersionOf