重症心身障害児の母親における障害受容過程と子どもの死に対する捉え方との関連 : 母子分離の視点から <研究報告>
心理臨床学研究 Volume 26 Issue 2
Page 171-183
published_at 2008-06
アクセス数 : 2252 件
ダウンロード数 : 5260 件
今月のアクセス数 : 10 件
今月のダウンロード数 : 20 件
この文献の参照には次のURLをご利用ください : https://ir.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/00029815
File | |
Title ( jpn ) |
重症心身障害児の母親における障害受容過程と子どもの死に対する捉え方との関連 : 母子分離の視点から <研究報告>
Title ( eng ) |
Relationship between mothers' acceptance of their children's severe motor and intellectual disabilities and awareness of their death : The view point of maternal separation
Creator |
Maemori Hitomi
Source Title |
Volume | 26 |
Issue | 2 |
Start Page | 171 |
End Page | 183 |
Abstract |
本研究は, 重症心身障害児の母親の障害受容過程と子どもの死に対する捉え方との関連を検討することを目的とした。重症心身障害児の母親20名に半構造化面接を行った結果, (1)障害受容過程においては, 「ショック」, 「否認」, 「情緒的混乱」, 「努力」, 「あきらめ」, 「とらわれ」, 「感受」, 「視点の獲得」, 「共生」, 「分離」の10の局面が見いだされた。また, (2)子どもの死に対する捉え方については, 〈覚悟型〉, 〈看取り型〉, 〈葛藤型〉, 〈保留型〉, 〈打ち消し型〉, 〈切り離し型〉の6様態に分類された。(3)各様態と障害受容過程との関連を検討した結果, ①子どもの死の可能性を現実として見据える〈覚悟型〉は, 子どもとの心理的分離を明確に意識し, 死後の子どもとの心理的結合を求めていること, ②子どもの死の可能性を否認しようと試みる〈打ち消し型〉は, 子どもとの一体感を保っていることが推測され, 子どもの死の捉え方に関して, 母子分離という視点からの理解が有効であることが示唆された。
The process of acceptance by mothers of children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities and the awareness of their children's possible death was investigated. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 20 participant mothers of children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities. The main findings were as follows. (1) The acceptance process consisted of ten stages: Shock, Denial, Confusion, Effort, Resignation, Prepossession, Perceptiveness, Attainment, Living, and Separation. (2) When the participants were categorized into six types according to their awareness of the possible death of the child : "Preparation," "Watching," "Conflict," "Holding," "Denying," and "Detachment," two of these categories had a role in the acceptance process: (i) "Preparation :" those who prepare for their children's death were conscious of separation from the children and wanted a strong commitment from the children. (ii) "Denying :" those who denied the possibility of their child's death kept feeling united with the child. (3) Difference in the awareness of the child's possible death could be explained on the basis of maternal separation theory.
Keywords |
acceptance process of disability
death of a child
maternal separation
Psychology [ 140 ]
Language |
Resource Type | journal article |
Publisher |
Date of Issued | 2008-06 |
Publish Type | Version of Record |
Access Rights | open access |
Source Identifier |
[ISSN] 0289-1921
[NCID] AN10079285