
日本教科教育学会誌 Volume 20 Issue 1 Page 9-16 published_at 1997-06-25
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Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Appearance of the Book on Physical Simple Experiments in the Early Twentieth Century Germany and It's Influence to Japan
Source Title
Volume 20
Issue 1
Start Page 9
End Page 16
ドイツのドロテーエン市立実科ギムナジウムの物理教師ハーン(Hahn, Hermann: 1857-1929)の簡易物理実験に対する理念や彼の著作である『簡易物理実験・第1・2巻』(1905, 1907年)の内容を明らかにし, この実験書のわが国への影響について論及した。その結果, 次の諸点が明らかになった。(1) 19世紀末葉のドイツにおいて, 簡易物理実験の振興を提唱した中心的人物であるシュヴァルベ(Schwalbe, Bemhard: 1841-1901)と, 彼の死後, 遺志を継承したハーンでは, 簡易実験の方法などに関して, 異なった考え方を有していたことが分かった。(2) 19世紀末葉から20世紀初頭のドイツにおいて, 簡易物理実験は英仏などの先進諸国の影響を受けていた。一方, ハーンの簡易実験書のわが国への影響として, 森総之助著『物理学講義実驗法』(1911年)第一編に取り上げられている簡易実験のうち, 約半数がハーンの実験書に取り上げられていたことが分かった。
In 1905-12, the books on physical simple experiments written by Hermann Hahn (1857-1929), who was a physics teacher at Dorotheenstädtischen Realgymnasiums in Berlin, were the precious materials in order to know the then state of simple experiments and the relation between that and pupil's experiment in Germany. The purpose of this study is to make clear the contents of H.Hahn's experiment books, his ideas behind it and influence to Japan.

According to this, the findings of this study are as follows:

(1) Bernhard Schwalbe (1841-1901), who was a central figure to advocate the promotion of physical simple experiment in the late nineteenth century Germany, had a different idea with H. Hahn, who succeeded to B. Schwalbe's desire after his death in regard to method, apparatus and extent of application of physical simple experiment.

(2) The physical simple experiment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Germany was influenced by that in advanced nations as England, France and the like. On the other hand H. Hahn's books on physical simple experiments exerted a influence upon Japan. About half the number of physical simple experiments in H. Hahn's books were the same things with that of the first chapter in "Butsurigakukogijikkenho" (1911) written by Sonosuke Mori (1876-1953).
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 1997-06-25
Copyright (c) 1997 日本教科教育学会
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0288-0334
[NCID] AN00247430