市町村教育長の研修に関する一考察 : 全国市町村教育長の意識調査から

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Title ( jpn )
市町村教育長の研修に関する一考察 : 全国市町村教育長の意識調査から
Title ( eng )
An Empirical Study of In-service Training of Municipal School Superintendents
Source Title
広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 教育学
Bulletin of Faculty of the Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Educational research
Issue 47
Start Page 41
End Page 49
The purpose of this study is to consider the problems and the ideal way of in-service training of municipal school superintendents. It was achieved by analyzing the data of a representative 602 municipal school superintendents throughout the country. As a result of this consideration, the main points which are clarified are as follows : (1) the portions of in-service training in which school superintendents are very interested are : "leadership of school superintendents," "social education/life-long education," "current topics such as bullying," "educational policies," "educational finance and budget," and "theories and techniques of educational policies," (2) it is important to give consideration to school superintendents' careers in drawing up in-service programs for them, because of their having strong points and weak points of their performances, by career, (3) though school superintendents have much need for in-service training, they seem to be unsatisfied with the present in-service training system. Especially, superintendents originally from public administration tend to be much less satisfied with the in-service training system in operation than superintendents originally from the teaching profession. Therefore, we are requested to improve the in-service training system in ways which meet the needs of the superintendents with public administration careers, and (4) hereafter, we need to discuss the possibility of in-service training in graduate schools, given consideration of a positive desire of superintendents to participate in the in-service training in graduate schools.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1999
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0919-8660
[NCID] AN10442410