日清・日露戦間期における帝国教育会の公徳養成問題 : 社会的道徳教育のための教材と教員資質

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Title ( jpn )
日清・日露戦間期における帝国教育会の公徳養成問題 : 社会的道徳教育のための教材と教員資質
Title ( eng )
Social Moral Education in the Educational Society of Empire of Japan : Subject-matter and Nature of Teachers for Social Moral Education
Shiraishi Takato
Source Title
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 3, Education and human science
Issue 57
Start Page 11
End Page 20
This study aims to elucidate the problems of social moral education in the Educational Society of the Empire of Japan (Teikoku-Kyouiku-kai) during the period between the Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, along with their historical significance. In 1901, the Educational Society of the Empire of Japan and other educational societies (Kyouiku-kai) shared the viewpoints of the Ministry of Education concerning social moral education. Educational Societies reported social moral education in which the teacher became an example, trained a good custom by management and training and taught lessons. The Educational Society of the Empire of Japan recognized the need of educational societies concerning social moral education, and edited the textbook on singing the social morality. Moreover, The Educational Society of the Empire of Japan began to conduct research on the theory of social moral education, and edited the reference book that brought the teaching material and the nature of the teacher together. The problems of social moral education in the Educational Society of Empire Japan pertained to the problem of the teaching material and the methodology, and consequently, problems pertaining to the nature of primary and junior high school teachers.
history of education in Japan
moral education
social moral education
the Educational Society of Empire of Japan
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2008-12-26
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1346-5562
[NCID] AA11625039