Effect of Shape of Pen on Usability

Fourth International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings : IWCIA 2008 Page 117-120 published_at 2008-12
アクセス数 : 506
ダウンロード数 : 82

今月のアクセス数 : 4
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
10-16-PG080018.pdf 300 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Effect of Shape of Pen on Usability
Murata Atsuo
Mizushima Kensuke
Source Title
Fourth International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Proceedings : IWCIA 2008
Start Page 117
End Page 120
Using electromyography (EMG) analysis and psychological rating, the usability of pen was evaluated. The experimental factors were the pen diameter (three levels:8mm, 11mm, and 13.8mm). The length of pen tip was fixed to 14mm. Surface EMG was recorded from extensor digitorum and flexor digitorum superficialis. The EMG before and after a long-hour writing task was measured to evaluate the fatigue of forearm using %MVC (Mean Voluntary Contraction), mean power frequency (MPF) and psychological rating on usability. Concerning %MVC and MPF, the difference before and the experimental task were used for the evaluation. The evaluation value corresponded to subtraction of value after the experimental task from that before the experimental task. As a result of a one-way (pen diameter) ANOVA, no significant main effects of pen diameter were for both EMG evaluation measures. As for the psychological rating on usability, Kruscal-Wallis non-parametric test was carried out. The psychological rating on ease of grip revealed a significant main effect of pen diameter. A pen with a diameter of 11mm was found to have a significant higher rating score.
universal design
pen diameter
length of pen tip
psychological rating
Technology. Engineering [ 500 ]
Resource Type conference paper
IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter
Date of Issued 2008-12
(c) Copyright by IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter.
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1883-3977