中国思想における身体 : 王陽明の身体知

広島大学文学部紀要 59 巻 22-41 頁 1999-12-28 発行
アクセス数 : 1203
ダウンロード数 : 583

今月のアクセス数 : 2
今月のダウンロード数 : 5
タイトル ( jpn )
中国思想における身体 : 王陽明の身体知
タイトル ( eng )
The body in the China thought : Physical intellect of Wang Yangning(王陽明)
The Hiroshima University studies, Faculty of Letters
開始ページ 22
終了ページ 41
This paper considers "the intellect" of Wang Yangming (王陽明).

The intellect of Wang Yangming (王陽明) is the physical intellect which eliminates the linguistic intellect, and the Zhi-Xing Heyi (知行合一) expresses that a man's intellect and his act are completely one occurrence in this physical intellect. Moreover, as well as the Zhi-Xing Heyi (知行合一), the Liangzhi (良知) is nothing but the physical intellect, and the actual of the self, carrying out self-realization at the very moment of being.

The method of interpreting the Zhi-Xing Heyi (知行合一) and the Liangzhi (良知) from the viewpoint of physical intellect thinks important the present when the body actually exists.

By the reconsideration of the Wang Yangming's (王陽明) physical intellect, the body is to be released from the diagram composed of the actual of the self and a man's intrinsic nature. This is to deconstruct the institutionalized diagram above-said. Furthermore, this deconstructive process calls back, reads and solves the actual of the self and the body which have been hidden in this diagram.

Moreover, this is the attempt to present a new viewpoint which tries to understand Wang Yangming (王陽明) and the doctrines of Wang Yang-ming (王陽明) as an incident. It is exactly the presentation of a viewpoint which newly understands the whole Chinese thought.
東洋思想 [ 120 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1999-12-28
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0437-5564
[NCID] AN00213701