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Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Fluorocytochemical Assay of Estrogen Receptors in Breast Cancer Cells
乳癌組織および穿刺吸引材料より作製した単離細胞浮遊液を用いて,フローサイトメトリー(flow cytometry)によるエストロゲン受容体(estrogen receptor;ER)の測定(以下FCM法と略す)が可能かどうか検討した。蛍光標識エストラジオールには,17β-estradiol-6carboxymethylox-1me-bovme serum albumin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (以下E2-BSA-FITC)を使用し,(1)ヒト細胞株による基礎的実験と,(2)乳癌組織および穿刺吸引材料から作製した単離細胞浮遊液を用いてのデキストラン・チャコール吸着法(dextran-coated charcoal method;DCC法)との比較を中心とした臨床的検討により,以下の結果を得た。
3)乳癌組織材料においてER陽性乳癌とER陰性乳癌では,FCM法による平均蛍光強度(mean fluorescent intensity;MFI)のうちE,-BSA-FITCのERに対する真の全結合を示す平均蛍光強度(MFIT)は,ER陽性群で有意に高値であった(p<0.05)。またER陰性群のMFITのmean+2SDを基準値とすると,DCC法のER判定結果との一致率は80%(20/25)であった。
5)E2-BSA-FITCを単独に反応させた時の平均蛍光強度(MFIF)と,ジエチルスチルベストロール二リン酸(DES-DP)で阻害した時の平均蛍光強度(MFIC)のそれぞれから自家蛍光強度を差し引いた値の比を蛍光結合比(fluorescent binding ratio;FBR)とした。 FBRはDCC法によるER陽性群で有意に高値を示した(p<0.01)。 ER陰性群のFBRのM+2SDを基準値とすると,DCC法ER結果との一致率は88%(22/25)であった。またFBRの対数値は,DCC法によるERの対数値と非常によく相関した(p<0.001)。
Detection of estrogen receptors (ER) was performed for human cancer cell lines and clinical materials using flow cytometry (FCM method). The results showed that: 1) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) indicating specific binding of fluorescence-conjugated estrogen (E2-BSA-FITC) increseased in a dose dependent manner at the range of 10-9 to 10-8 M in ER positive cell line ZR75-1 while no such dependency was seen for a ER negative cell lme LK-2. 2) Competitive inhibition of E2-BSA-FITC was observed for antiestrogen and estrogenic drugs but not for other steroids, supporting the specific binding of E2-BSA-FITC to ER. 3) True total binding (including specific as well as non-specific binding; MFIT) was significantly higher in ER positive group than in ER negative group (p < 0.05) determined by dextran-coated charcoal method (DCC method). Usmg a cut off value from ER negative group (mean MFIT plus 2SD), the coincidence of ER status between MFIT and DCC method was 80% (20/25). 4) MFI excluding autofluorescence was examined after incubation with and without an estrogen analogue; DES-DP. The ratio (fluorescent binding ratio; FBR) was found to be significantly higher in ER positive group than in ER negative group (p<0.01). Using a cut off value from the latter group (mean FBR plus 2SD), the coincidence of ER status between FBR and DCC method was 88% (22/25). In order to evaluate ER level quantitatively by the present FCM method, log ER content by DCC method was plotted against log FBR, the latter represents the difference-in MFI excluding auto fluorescence with and without DES-DP. The correlation was found to be highly significant (p<0.001). 5) If enough cell numbers were available, the aspirated materials could also be used for determination of ER status by FCM method.
Breast cancer
Estrogen receptor
Flow cytometry
Aspiration biopsy cytology
広島大学医学雑誌, 36(1), 105-121, 昭63-2月(1988)
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Copyright(c) by Author
Access Rights open access
Dissertation Number 甲第692号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 1988-03-24
Degree Grantors