High transverse momentum η meson production in p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics Volume 75 Issue 2 Page 024909-1-024909-36 published_at 2007-02-27
アクセス数 : 785
ダウンロード数 : 189

今月のアクセス数 : 1
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PhysRevC_75_024909.pdf 1.21 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
High transverse momentum η meson production in p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
PHENIX Collaboration
Enokizono Akitomo
Hachiya Takashi
Kohama Takeshi
Kohara Ryota
Nakamura Tomoaki
Source Title
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Volume 75
Issue 2
Start Page 024909-1
End Page 024909-36
Inclusive transverse momentum spectra of η mesons in the range pT≈2-12 GeV/c have been measured at midrapidity (|η|<0.35) by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC in p+p,d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV. The η mesons are reconstructed through their η→γγ channel for the three colliding systems as well as through the η→π0π+π- decay mode in p+p and d+Au collisions. The nuclear modification factor in d+Au collisions, RdAu(pT)≈1.0-1.1, suggests at most only modest pT broadening ("Cronin enhancement"). In central Au+Au reactions, the η yields are significantly suppressed, with RAuAu(pT)≈0.2. The ratio of η to π0 yields is approximately constant as a function of pT for the three colliding systems in agreement with the high-pT world average of Rη/π0≈0.5 in hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions for a wide range of center-of-mass energies (√sNN≈3-1800 GeV) as well as, for high scaled momentum xp, in e+e- annihilations at √s=91.2 GeV. These results are consistent with a scenario where high-pT η production in nuclear collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider is largely unaffected by initial-state effects but where light-quark mesons (π0,η) are equally suppressed due to final-state interactions of the parent partons in the dense medium produced in Au+Au reactions.
Resource Type journal article
American Physical Society
Date of Issued 2007-02-27
Copyright (c) 2007 The American Physical Society.
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0556-2813
[DOI] 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.024909
[NCID] AA00773613
[DOI] http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.75.024909