体育・スポーツ教育協力におけるプロジェクト内容・評価に関する考察 : ラオス国の学校体育の現状調査を通して 【調査研究報告】

国際協力研究誌 Volume 10 Issue 2 Page 151-161 published_at 2004-03
アクセス数 : 1183
ダウンロード数 : 2589

今月のアクセス数 : 6
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
JIDC_10_02_09_masamoto.pdf 3.58 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
体育・スポーツ教育協力におけるプロジェクト内容・評価に関する考察 : ラオス国の学校体育の現状調査を通して 【調査研究報告】
Title ( eng )
An investigation into project content and evaluation of international cooperationin the field of physical education and sport in Lao
Title Transcription
タイイク スポーツ キョウイク キョウリョク ニ オケル プロジェクト ナイヨウ ヒョウカ ニ カンスル コウサツ : ラオスコク ノ ガッコウ タイイク ノ ゲンジョウ チョウサ オ トオシテ
柾本 伸悦
Source Title
Journal of International Development and Cooperation
Volume 10
Issue 2
Start Page 151
End Page 161
Although international support for physical education and sport in developing countries has in recent years beenpromoted by UNESCO, other international cooperation agencies and NGOs, the curriculum time allotted for physi-cal education within schools is being reduced due to the low educational priority it commands and a lack of ade-quate facilities.This paper examines the nature of international cooperation in the field of physical education through a casestudy of government policies and school education in Lao, and reveals the existence of three curricula aspects, con-sisting of Intended Curriculum, Implemented Curriculum, and Attained Curriculum.In terms of improving physical education in a particular country through international cooperation, two factorsare paramount.The first is to develop the curriculum itself by means of improved textbook content, teacher guide-books and other teaching materials.The second factor is to develop appropriate systems through which gapsbetween the Intended Curriculum, Implemented Curriculum, and Attained Curriculum can be reduced by, for exam-ple, generating a system of in-service training, a distribution network for textbooks and a good communication sys-tem between government and schools.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2004-03
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1341-0903
[NCID] AN10482914