広島外国語教育研究 12 号
2009-03-31 発行


The Japanesque Expressions of SNOW COUNTRY and Its Chinese Translations
李 国棟
何 薇
趙 英来
武内 真弓
646 KB
This is the fourth paper in a series of studies on SNOW COUNTRY, written by Yasunari Kawabata. In this paper we research deeply on the Japanesque expressions used by Kawabata.

There are some "ように (youni)" in SNOW COUNTRY which cannot be translated directly into Chinese. For example,




These "ように (youni)", which are underlined in the above three quotations cannot be translated directly into "好像". Why is this? We propose the reason in this paper.

In addition, we analyze the difference between "ようだ (youda)" and "そうだ (souda)", considering the Chinese translations of Japanese aspects, and as a result we found a lot of Japanese linguistic factors in these expressions. Of course, these Japanesque expressions in SNOW COUNTRY are very helpful for foreigners trying to understand the essence of the Japanese language. Likewise, the Chinese translations are also beneficial for Japanese attempting to understand the characteristics of Chinese.
Copyright (c) 2009 広島大学外国語教育研究センター