21 巻
1・2 号
1982-12 発行
PP. 1 - 10
Miyazawa Keisuke Hori Kanji Ito Keiji
PP. 11 - 21
Moturi Samuel A. Kubota Kiyoshi Suzuki Kanichi Esaka Muneharu
PP. 23 - 33
北西および中部太平洋におけるアナゴ科魚類の葉形幼生に関する研究-Ⅰ : 外腸をもつAriosoma-type幼生
Mochioka Noritaka Kakuda Shunpei Tabeta Osamu
PP. 35 - 66
Determination of Viscometric Behavior of Settling Suspension Foods by Tubular-type Viscometer
久保田 清 栗栖 真悟 鈴木 寛一 保坂 秀明
PP. 67 - 73
Development Mechanism of the Entrepreneur Type of Laying Hen Farming : A case Study of the Aikeien Poultry Farms, Co.
杉山 和男
PP. 75 - 89
The Subject and Method of Interrigonal Competition in Agriculuture
斉藤 修
PP. 91 - 108
Interrigonal Competition and Market Structure Research in U.S.A.
斉藤 修
PP. 109 - 120
Forms and Factors of Animal Products Marketing in the early post-Meiji Years
小野 誠志
PP. 121 - 133