広島大学生物生産学部紀要 19 巻 1 号
1980-07-30 発行

Studies on 'the Utrecht Abnormality of Milk' in the Miyuki Dairy Farm : IV. Occurrences of 'the Utrecht Abnormality of Milk', Osteoporosis, Grass Tetany and Milk Fever on the Chronic Magnesium Deficient Herd

Yoshida Shigeru
5.1 MB
1970年の夏に広島県福山市北部に位置する御幸牧場において,全ての泌乳牛が,新鮮な牛乳であるにもかかわらずアルコール試験で凝固すると云う,異常乳の集団発生がみられた。この異常乳は低酸度二等乳とも云われるが,1930~1940年代にオランダを中心に発生した"the Utrecht abnormality of milk"と全く同一の現象である。


御幸牧場では1964年に牧場を開設してから1971年までの7年間に144回の分娩がみられたが,起立不能症12回,流産11回,死産8回,後産停滞8回と分娩時の障害が多発し,1970年夏季には20頭のうち15頭が同時にケトージスにおち入った。関接障害,歯牙の異常,痩削,腰萎,下痢,繁殖障害,跛行など骨疾患の発生をうらづける症状がみられた。血中のアルカリ性フォスファターゼ活性は骨疾患のときに上昇するが,高い値を示すものがみられ,また冬季に急に上昇するような現象もみられた。淘汰された乳牛から得られた骨は初産の若いものから13産の老齢なものまで全て骨粗鬆症の発生がみられ,主として外側緻密質に赤色点密発し,これはハーバース氏管中の毛細管が充血している為である。賢結石,水泡賢,賢萎縮のような賢障害も多発していた。血清Mgは低い状態にあったが,極端にMg含量の低下するhypo-magnesaemic tetanyすなわちグラステタニーの発生及びhypocalcaemiaである乳熱の発生が観察された。

A great deal of abnormal milk secretion had been observed in the Miyuki Dairy Farm. This abnormality of milk was similar to a phenomenon that occurred in the Netherlands in 1940 and was called then "the Utrecht abnormality of milk". The milk and blood showed high levels of Ca and low Mg during a whole year. All cows were kept under close observation in order to follow up this lactational disorder.

The characteristic signs observed in the Miyuki Dairy Farm were not merely abnormal milk secretion but also 1) teeth abnormality, 2) articular disease, 3) diarrhea and abnormal skinny hip, 4) frequent occurrences of paresis, abortion, still-birth, and reproductive disturbances, 5) elevation of blood serum alkaline phosphatase, 6) occurrence of ketosis, milk fever and grass tetany.

All bone samples collected from the herd showed serious osteoporosid with many small brown spots on the compact bone caused by congestion of capillaryvessel in the Harversian canals. Partially, the bone turned porous and easily fractured, and some bones atrophy. Kidney abnormalities such as stone disease, hydronephrosis, sclerosis were seen.

In regard to the etiology of the osteoporosis in the Miyuki Dairy Farm, it was proved that those cows were suffering from chronic magnesium deficiency with chronic bone disease and low-serum-Mg, subacute metabolic disease of ketosis and acute metabolic disturbances of grass tetany and milk fever, caused by the shortage of magnesium contents in herbage, less than 0.2% in the dry matter of herbage. When the cow falls into Mg-shortage, the bone crystal is dissolved not only Mg but also Ca and P, and various soft tissues are supplied with Mg and the remaining Ca is excreted into milk and urine. From this, the bones show osteoporosis by demineralization and the milk shows "the Utrecht abnormality" through the increase of Ca.