広島大学生物生産学部紀要 Volume 18 Issue 1
published_at 1979-07-16

Studies on the Soaking and Cooking Rate Equations of Soybean

Kubota Kiyoshi
833 KB
(1) 大豆の浸漬,蒸煮速度を,温度20~100℃において重量法により求めた。
(2) 浸漬,蒸煮速度式は,1次の経験的速度式と穀状吸水モデルに基づいた半理論的速度式で表わすことができた。
(3) 見掛の活性化エネルギーは,約7kcal/g-molとなり,本研究より高い温度98~127℃においてQuastら6)が求めてきている値43.5kcal/g-molよりかなり小さい値となった。大豆の蒸煮現象は,約100℃以下で物理的変化,また,これ以上で化学的反応が主体になっているのではないかと考えられる。
In former papers 1- 4), we studied the cooking rate equations of rice, potato and so on. This time, we took up the soaking and cooking rate equations of soybean whose components differ greatly from those of starch foods such as rice, potato and so on.

The results of this investigation can be summarized as follows:
(1) The soaking and cooking rates of soy bean were obtained by the weighing method at 20~100°C.
(2) The rate equations were postulated in two types: one type is a first order empirical rate equation and the other is a semi-theoretical rate equation based on the water-soaking-shell model.
(3) The apparent activation energy was about 7 kcal/g-mol. This value is considerably less than the values in the cooking of soy bean at 98~127℃ obtained by Quast et al.6) From these results, we may deduce that the cooking phenomena of soybean consist perhaps in the physical and the chemical transformations at about below and above 100℃, respectively.