広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 66 号
2017-12-22 発行

説明的文章の「筆者」概念と知識に関する検討 : 小学校中学年における自然科学的な説明文教材を例として

The “Author Concept” and Knowledge of Expository Texts: The Case of Expository Texts about Natural Science in Elementary Schools
正木 友則
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The purpose of this paper was to develop a framework for the “author concept” of expository texts from a perspective of “knowledge”. The developed framework has the following four features: (1) the author and reader are scientists; (2) the author belongs to the academic world as a producer of knowledge and he/she explains it to the reader belonging to the life world; (3) the author explains this to the reader belonging to the life world as a mediator of the academic world and the life world; and (4) the author and reader belong to the life world in the life world. I used this framework to examine expository texts on natural science used by third and fourth grade elementary school students.
expository text
author concept