Journal of contemporary India studies : space and society, Hiroshima University

ISSN : 2185-8721
Publisher : The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University
Subaltern Urbanization of an Urban Village in the Industrial Estate in the National Capital Region of Delhi: Focusing on B village in IMT Manesar, Haryana<Special Contribution>
PP. 1 - 11
Locational characteristics of export companies in modern Indian textile and apparel industry: A case study on the members of Apparel Export Promotion Council<Research Note>
PP. 13 - 22
A Study on Trends in Bollywood Films since the late 2000s: Focus on Movie Genres and the Social Strata of Audiences<Forum>
KIKUCHI Yoshinao
PP. 23 - 34
PP. 41 - 59