広島大学森戸国際高等教育学院紀要 6 号
2024-03-31 発行

Student Participant Satisfaction during INU (International Network of University) at Hiroshima University: Promoting Global Citizenship and Peace through Summer Student Seminar

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The goal of this international student seminar is to bring students together from across over ten university members in Hiroshima University and promote their awareness on global issues, universal responsibilities, multiculturalism and intercultural understanding. In this study, we conducted a qualitative content analysis of students’ feedback collected from the international Student Seminars held at Hiroshima University in Japan in 2021 and 2022. The goal of this seminars was to bring together students from across ten INU (International University of Network) member institutions (2021) and nine (2022) from around the world, to explore how we, as global citizens, can understand the given themes and consider what we can do to contribute to the world. Findings revealed that students were satisfied with the program overall and that an international student seminar such as INU (International University of Network) held at Hiroshima University is an important instrument in promoting global citizenship and peace in the context of higher education.
global citizenship education
peace education
international student seminar
intercultural understanding