広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. II, 環境科学研究 2 巻
2007-12-31 発行

途上国における貧困と教育 : インド・ウッタルプラデシュ州A市の若者聞き取り調査から

Poverty and School Education in Developing Countries : Analysis of interviews with youth in a provincial city of Northern India
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Focusing on class disadvantages in relation to conditions for the development of children born and raised in impoverished families in developing countries, and on disadvantages related to education particular, this paper sought to generally outline the framework by which disadvantages are formed in the process of a child's growth. To that end, an interview survey of 16 youth of different classes was conducted in 2006 in a provincial city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and comparison of the life histories and current living conditions of the interviewed youth was attempted. Results revealed two points. First, children of impoverished families were found to suffer various disadvantages throughout their lives, from a young age to adolescence, in comparison to children of wealthy families. In addition, disadvantages for such children of impoverished families were found to be severely affected and formed by not just a dearth of resources in terms of the family's financial, cultural, and social relationships but also by societal context (production system, labor market, educational and other systems, etc.).
Copyright (c) 2006 by Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved