総合保健科学 27 巻
2011-03-31 発行

大学における障害のある学生のための情報支援の方法とその課題 : 広島大学の事例 <研究報告>

Study of informational support for students with disability in higher education : the Case of Hiroshima University <Brief Report>
402 KB
In recent years, ways of providing informational support for students with disabilities in universities have become important topics from the point of view of classroom accessibility. In universities, with advanced educational content, it is not easy to secure the services of the optimal support persons such as Note Takers and Braille transcribers, and the actual situation is that there are gaps in the contents of support among universities. In this paper, the case of informational support in Hiroshima University is reported, issues in informational support are reviewed and the methodology of sustainable informational support is discussed.
students with disability
Information support
higher education