Bulletin of general health research, Hiroshima University Health Service Center
Volume 25
Date of Issue:2009-03-31
current number
ISSN : 0911-3231
Publisher : Hiroshima University Health Service Center
On Diagnosis and Support for the students with Pervasive Developmental Disorders : by using Autism-Spectrum Quotient Japanese Version:1 AQ-J
Kurosaki Mitsuhaya Masuda Sachie Okamoto Yuri Yashiki Hisako Matsuyama Mariko Ishihara Reiko Okada Maki Sugihara Miyuki Furumoto Naoko Uchino Teiji Isobe Noriko Kurita Tomomi Nihonmatsu Misato Yokosaki Yasuyuki Hiyama Toru Yoshihara Masaharu Yamawaki Shigeto
PP. 1 - 9
Development and Validation of the College Students' Intention of Seeking Counseling Inventory
Nakaoka Chiyuki Kodama Kenichi
PP. 11 - 17