Shijin : Lovers of history
Issue 3
Date of Issue:2011-05-31
current number
Publisher : Hiroshima Ancient History Study Group (former Shimomukai Laboratory)
The Graduate School of Human and Social Sciences, Hiroshima Univ. WATANABE SEMINAR
Precedent and Division in Age; Until Arriving at Daiki (台記) <Articles>
Sakamoto Shozo
PP. 1 - 10
The History of Daijin-Taikyo (大臣大饗) Festivals <Articles>
Watanabe Makoto
PP. 11 - 32
The Management and Subordinate Staff of the Imperial Guards in the Regency Age <Articles>
Saito Takumi
PP. 33 - 42
Supplement to "Koshinawa (腰縄) -A Rope to Bind His Waist- and Menbaku (面縛) -To Bind His Hand Behind Him-" <Articles>
PP. 43 - 53
Musk is Counted as "Heso (臍) -Navel-" in Japanese <Spilt the Stories of Shoyuki (小右記)>
PP. 54 - 55
Is "Yobyo(陽病) Disease" Really a Febrile Disease? <Spilt the Stories of Shoyuki (小右記)>
Watanabe Makoto
PP. 56 - 60
A Boy who was Born on March 13, Kanko (寛弘) 2 (AD 1005) <Spilt the Stories of Shoyuki (小右記)>
Watanabe Makoto
PP. 60 - 63
February 4 - March 28, Kanko 8 (AD1011) <Japanese Reading and Translation and Modern Languages Annotation of Shoyuki [Ⅰ]>
Shimomukai Seminar
PP. 65 - 105