2 号
1998-12-20 発行
発行元 : 広島古代史研究会(旧下向井研究室),
PP. -
The Probrem of the Sea Robber in Kamakura (鎌倉) Period <Articls>
足達 礼子
PP. 1 - 15
The Transfer of the Capital to Nagaoka-kyo (長岡京) ,and Prince Sawara (早良) 's Official Investure with the Prince Inperial <Articls>
岡井 真央人
PP. 16 - 26
On Jin-no-Sadame(陣定) "The Conference System of the Inperial Court" in Sekkan (摂関) Period <Articls>
尾崎 典子
PP. 27 - 38
On Inperial Litigation System in Kamakura (鎌倉) Period: The Establishment of ln-no-Hyojo-Sei (院評定制) <Articls>
長谷川 崇朗
PP. 39 - 57
Two Problems on the Murder Case that happened in the Precincts of Temple-Todaiji (東大寺) in Tengi (天喜) 4, 4, 23 : the Offense committed by YAMAMURA YORIMASA (山村頼正), and the Armed Force organazed by Tsuibushi (追捕使) MINAMOTO MUNESUKE (源宗佐) <Articles>
PP. 58 - 67
The Rist of Persons in Charge from 1995 to 1997 <Reports on the Seminar in Historical Materials, Shoyuki(小右記), in the Postgraduate course>
PP. 68 - 68
Shukuji (粥時) and Sozen(僧前) <Reports on the Seminar in Historical Materials, Shoyuki(小右記), in the Postgraduate course>
石原 智則 下向井 龍彦
PP. 69 - 72
Dynastic Nobles and The Legal Holiday prescribed by Kenei-Ryo (仮寧令): from Shoyuki (小右記) vol.2 <Reports on the Seminar in Historical Materials, Shoyuki(小右記), in the Postgraduate course>
岡井 真央人
PP. 73 - 75