地域経済研究 Issue 13
published_at 2002-03-31

地域の雇用をめぐる労働福祉政策の新展開 : 英国ニュー・ディール政策の検討を中心として <研究ノート>

Recent Development of Social and Employment Policy on Regional Labour Market : An Inquiry on Some Evidence of the New Deal Policy in the United Kingdom
Kagawa Toshiyuki
Ito Yuichi
481 KB



This article attempts to discuss the New Deal Policy of Blair Administration in the United Kingdom. The NDYP is a support for young unemployed people, and its new role in local economy will be focused particularly.

The New Deal for Young Unemployed People (NDYP) has been introduced since 1998 by the 'New Labour' government as a result of its victory in 1997 general election. The main aim of the NDYP is to offer unemployed young (18–24) people who are more than 6 months unemployed a support such as job recruitment and retraining. The role of Personal Advisors (PAs) characterises the New Deal policy.

The NDYP is delivered in local level; therefore, network making among local industry and education establishments is crucial. This article will examine the cases in Lambeth and in some other areas and will assess how and what targets are affected by social and employment policy. As a conclusion, it is important that partnership is treated as a process of building relationship, and that 'partnership fatigue', i.e. problems in network creation and management should be avoided. It is difficult to assess macroeconomic effects of the NDYP because it concentrates on limited target group and is still new policy from its introduction in 1998. However, the NDYP has brought positive effects to individual participants.

This article will attempt to place the NDYP in the context of integration process in the European Union. The NDYP is enthusiastically appealed to the 'Luxembourg Process', which is based on the 'European Employment Strategy' introduced in 1997. In this sense, the NDYP contributes positively to create a partnership among the EU, the member states and local level.
New Deal for Young People (NDYP)