45 号
2017-03-31 発行
ISSN : 0386-3182
発行元 : 広島大学大学院文学研究科附属内海文化研究施設
PP. -
A Draft of a Catalogue of Japanese-Bookbindings Held at the Iwakuni Central Library (Part6)
PP. 1 - 22
(Reprint) Nagayo Michiyo "Dekkansho" (2)
有元 伸子 板倉 大貴 萬田 慶太 熊尾 紗耶
PP. 63 - 84
The Diary of Kondo Yoshiki (a Japanese classical scholar, 1801-1880), owned by Yamaguchi Prefectural Archives (12)
PP. 49 - 61
The List of articles on `Ituku-shima' Island in 'Geibi-Nichinichi' Papers (8)
勝部 眞人 海 阿虎
PP. 25 - 48
Long-distance communication transportation system of Toyotomi government during the invasion of the first time to Korea
PP. 1 - 24