広島大学医学雑誌 Volume 50 Issue 2
published_at 2002-04-28

<集談会記録>ヒト胃癌におけるテロメア関連因子およびDNA修復酵素の発現 : ヒト胃癌におけるTRF1,TRF2およびTIN2の発現解析 ヒト胃癌におけるMRE11 complex(MRE11,Rad50,NBS1)およびhRAP1の発現解析(学位論文抄録)

Expression of telomere related molecules and DNA repair enzymes in human gastric cancer : Expression of telomeric repeat binding facor 1 and 2 and TRF1-interacting nuclear protein 2 in human gastric carcinomas Expression of MRE11 complex (MRE11,Rad50,NBS1) and hRAP1 and its relation with telomere regulation, telomerase activity in human gastric carcinomas
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