Journal of Urban and Regional Studies on Contemporary India 8 巻 2 号
2022-03 発行

The Emergence of the New Economic Space in India

860 KB
This paper examines methodological issues in research on India’s spatial structure and seeks to offer a perspective on the new economic space emerging in India, focusing on the mega-region concept. First, the author studied the research methodology behind important studies investigating the spatial structure and regional developments in China and India, then examined Yada’s regional structure theory, based on which a conceptual framework is constructed for understanding modern India’s spatial structure, which must be approached using both the regional composition model and the core-periphery model. In particular, from a mega-regional perspective, it is necessary to focus on the role that clusters in the latter model play in the economy of modern India.
This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) (Research Representative: Hidenori Okahashi, Hiroshima University) conducted in 2014–2016. Some of the parts were presented at the 2015 Spring Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers. This paper is a revised version of Okahashi (2015).
new economic space
spatial structure
regional disparity
core periphery model
(c) 2022 The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University