Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Series C, Geology and mineralogy Volume 4 Issue 3
published_at 1964-09-15

Carboniferous and Lower Permian Fusulines of the Atetsu Limestone in West Japan

SADA Kimiyoshi
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This paper includes descriptions of the Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian fusulines from the Atetsu Limestone in Okayama Prefecture of West Japan. Fusulines described and illustrated herein are two species of Millerella, four species of Eostafella and one species of Pseu-dostafella from the Millerella bigemmicula-Eostaffella kanmerai zone; four species of Fusulinella from the Fusulinella imamurai zone; one species of Rugosofusulina, five species of Triticites, two species of Chusenella, one species of Pseudofusulina and four species of Pseudoschwagerina from the Pseu-doschwagerina zone.