国際協力研究誌 15 巻 1・2 号
2009-03-31 発行

高潮の数値防災研究 <総説>

Computational Disaster Prevention Study for Storm Surges <Review>
1.1 MB
This article summarizes the computational disaster prevention researches for storm surges in which atmosphere-ocean interaction through sea surface wave action plays a key role of numerical simulation of surge phenomena. Recent development of storm surge simulation model strongly depends on introduction of meso-scale meteorological model (MM5). This progress of the storm surge model can be defined as the second generation model. As the third generation model for storm surges, a regional environment simulator (water circulation numerical system) that is the coupled system of atmosphere, ocean, land surface and river/coastal modules is proposed. Adaptation measures for storm surge disasters with consideration of global warming, climate change and its fluctuation are also discussed. Finally a community-based disaster prevention with town planning is introduced as an effective measure for tsunami and storm surge disasters.
storm surge
computational disaster prevention research
climate change