広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 4 Issue 2
published_at 2005-03-31


QOL and self-efficacy of patients with chronic hepatitis C for three months after interferon therapy began
Hamada Kayoko
Inoue Masaki
Takahashi Shouichi
445 KB
本研究は,Interferon 治療過程におけるC型慢性肝炎患者のQOL 及びSelf-efficacy の変化と相互の関連性を,治療開始後3ヶ月までの期間において探求することを目的に行った.C型慢性肝炎患者45人を対象に,自記式質問紙調査法により,入院時と治療開始後1ヶ月,3ヶ月の3回にわたる縦断的調査を実施した.その結果,以下のことが明らかになった.1.QOL は,治療開始後1ヶ月以内に低下し,3ヶ月まで低値のまま推移し,副作用の影響を受けていた.2.Self-efficacy は,治療中の変化は見られず,副作用の影響を受けていなかった.3.QOL 下位尺度である心の健康,活力,社会生活機能と,Self-efficacy の間に,正の相関を認めた.今後は支援検討に向けて,疾患特異的なSelf-efficacy やQOL 尺度を開発し,それらを用いてQOL とSelf-efficacyの関連性を確認する必要があろう.
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the quality of life (QOL) and the self-efficacyof patients with chronic hepatitis C during the interferon treatment process, and mutual relevance,forthree months after the medical treatment began. The subjects were 45 patients with chronic hepatitis C,who answered a total of 3 surveys conducted at the time of hospitalization, one month after medicaltreatment began, and three months after using a questionnaire. As a result, the following conclusions weremade:1. QOL declined for one month after medical treatment began, and maintained a low value for threemonths. QOL was influenced by side effects.2. Self-efficacy did not change during the medical treatment. Self-efficacy was not influenced by sideeffects.3. In the relation of QOL and self-efficacy, a positive correlation between scales of QOL (such as mentalhealth, vitality, and social functioning) and self-efficacy was observed.For the support examination in the future,it is necessary to develop a self-efficacy and QOL standardrelation to hepatitis C disease,and the relationship between QOL and self-efficacy that uses a properoutcome measure is likely to be confirmed.
chronic hepatitis C
quality of life