広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 8 Issue 1
published_at 1969-07-30


Auction market of Japanese cattle : Its socio-economic history
Ono Shigeki
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In Japan, the trading in the livestock market is now enforced by law and is to be performed by the auction method. Moreover, in many producing centers of calves, producers are compelled to consign their calves in auction markets according to the ordinances of their own prefectures. In this way, the livestock auction in Japan is imparted with a peculiar economic mission and character in the marketing of livestock.

One of the earliest auctions for selling livestock on which informations are available now, was the one established in Shirakawa in the north-eastern erea of Japan in 1629. It was an auction of 2 years old foals. There are no informations available for these periods in regard to the auction of cattle. The present method of auction in marketing cattle was started in the Taisho era (1912-1926) by producers' associations in the Chugoku district.

Through investigation of the historical and economic development of these auction markets, this research-paper intends to analyze the characteristics and details of functions in marketing cattle.