広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 7 Issue 2
published_at 1968-09-30

Effects of Salmonella senftenberg injection on chicks hatched from eggs in treatment of testosterone propionate

Nakamura Tsunenori
Hashimoto Hideo
1.09 MB
 鶏のファブリシウス囊の機能を研究する目的で孵卵5日目鶏卵にテストステロンプロピオネート(TP) 1.0mgを卵白内に注入し, 更に瞬化後ファブリシウス嚢の退化した14日令雛にサルモネラ菌0.5ml (生菌数3.0×108) を筋注して,その影響について研究した.
 実験結果は(1) TP処理卵は前報と同じく孵化率が低かったTP処理のファブリシウス嚢の大きさと重量は対照区と比較して小さかった. (2) ファプリシウス嚢退化雛に生菌接種した場合斃死率は対照区の生菌接種と比べ極めて高かった.これらの成績からファブリシウス嚢は抗病性と関連した機能をもっ事が判った.この場合の臓器影響は,脾臓の肥大が顕著で,同一淋巴様組織である胸腺の影響は本実験では認めなかった.
The data obtained in the present investigations were described being of two kinds.

(1) Number of the chicks hatched from TP 1.0 mg injected eggs was observed in an average small number compared with control. Bursa size and weight of chicks of TP treatment were observed to show remarkable reduction in the same way of previous report.

(2) Smaller bursa chicks in TP treatment showed higher mortality rate than normal chicks at injection of Salmonella senftenberg at 14 days of age after haching. From the results of this present study, it is presumed that the bursa of Fabricius is concerned with antibody reproduction in young chicks. The spleen of chicks that received the injection of S. senftenberg observed remarkably large weight as compared with to that of control chicks.