広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 7 Issue 1
published_at 1967-07-31

Morphological studies on effects of the bursa of fabricius and thymus of chicks hatched from eggs in treatment of testosterone propionate

Nakamura Tsunenori
2.26 MB
 鶏卵の孵化3~5 日目にテストステロンプロピオネート(TP 160mg., 320mg., 480mg. ,640mg. ,1200mg.)を浸漬または卵白内に(注入(TP 0.5mg., 1.0mg.) し,瞬化後の発育雛のファプリシウス嚢および胸腺の発育影響について研究した.
 実験結果は(1)TP浸漬実験区は各単位区とも孵化率が極めて低く, TP注入実験区は対照区と比較して正常であった. (2)ファプリシウス嚢および胸腺の発育影響はTP640mg. および1,200mg の浸漬実験区および注入実験区で著しい退化を認め,特にTP 1.0mg. 注入卵は顕著であった.これは発育初期のステロイド系ホルモン高単位処理によるファプリシウス嚢発育に影響をおよぼしたことを示した.他方同一淋巴様組織である胸腺の影響は認めなかった. (3)TP実験区の発生中止卵には異常発生をなした胚が多く観察され三眼鶏,双嘴,脳胞発育異常,眼胞異常等が形態的に観察され, また孵化雛には眼球異常,肢異常等が認められた.
This study was undertaken to determine the quantitative changes occuring in the weights of the bursa and thymus in chicks hatched from eggs in treatment in varying levels of testosterone propionate. The data obtained in the presented investigations
were described being separated into two parts.

1) Dipping eggs in TP solution of 640 mg. or 1200 mg. and TP injected eggs of 0.5 mg. or 1.0 mg. siginificantly reduced bursa size and weight at hatching. Especially, TP 1.0 mg. injected eggs is remarkable reduction as compared into the other experiments. On the other hand, the development of the thymus showed a tendency to no effects on chicks hatched from eggs in TP treatment.

2) Number of the chicks hatched from dipped in TP solution was observed small in average number compared with control. Chick embryos in the still-development in TP treatment various deformities were observed.