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2018-03-30 発行
Textual Variations and Readings among the Manuscripts and Editions of The Canterbury Tales: With Special Reference to The Knight’s Tale
Ohno Hideshi
Jimura Akiyuki
Nakao Yoshiyuki
Kawano Noriyuki
Satoh Kenichi
PP. 1 - 13
William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind: The Heroines’ Obsession with the Old South
Ohchi Shinsuke
PP. 15 - 27
日本人英語学習者による文学作品の読みに文体論の知見が与える影響 : O. Henry 作 After Twenty Years を題材に用いた質的・量的研究
Effects of Knowledge of Stylistic Features on Japanese EFL Learners’ Reading of a Literary Work: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study with O. Henry’s After Twenty Years as a Material
柿元 麻理恵
小野 章
PP. 29 - 43
The Buried Giant におけるイシグロ文学の継承と発展
The Buried Giant as Inheritance and Development of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Literary World
池園 宏
PP. 45 - 58
カズオ・イシグロ作品にみる語りの間接性 : 「 空白」と「入れ子構造」の効果
Indirectness in the Narratives of Kazuo Ishiguro: The effects of “blank/gap” and “mise en abyme”
長柄 裕美
PP. 59 - 71
『私を離さないで』 における疑似イングリッシュネス : 小説とヘリテージ映画を読む/ 見る
Pseudo-Englishness in Never Let Me Go: a Reading and Viewing of the Novel and Heritage Film
金子 幸男
PP. 73 - 90
Kazuo Ishiguroの小説作品における「アート」の役割 : Never Let Me Goを中心に
Functions of Art in Novels of Kazuo Ishiguro
三村 尚央
PP. 91 - 104
Economic Imageries in Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Fujimoto Ichiro
PP. 105 - 106
The Introspection and Healing in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy
Itakura Hajime
PP. 107 - 108
Reading Roald Dahl with Roald Dahl: Aspects of His Transformation
Nakashima Ayumi
PP. 109 - 109
The Shackles of the Old South in William Faulkner’s Light in August: the Identity Crisis of Joe Christmas and Gail Hightower
Okimoto Miki
PP. 110 - 111
The Use of Modal Auxiliaries in Pride and Prejudice
Sasaki Akiko
PP. 112 - 113