Hiroshima Law Review
Issue 16
Date of Issue:2020-03-20
current number
ISSN : 1880-1897
(The Society of Law of Hiroshima University)
PP. 3 - 4
PP. 5 - 13
Career and achievements of Professor Makoto Tanabe
PP. 15 - 16
A study of the law of judicial person in Japan
PP. 17 - 42
La loi applicable aux règles substantives de la procédure d'insolvabilité et lex fori concursus
PP. 43 - 88
Legal Term Usage No.8: Some Legal Terms in the Procedure Laws
PP. 89 - 115
"Definitional Balancing" as a Methodology for Defining the Scope of Protection of the Freedom of Expression
PP. 117 - 158
Note of Symposiums
Seven Decades of Family Courts in the Japanese Legal System: A News Reporter's View
Kiyonaga Satoshi
PP. 159 - 184
Seminar Report on the Constitutional Law and Cases
Yokodaido Satoshi
PP. 185 - 222
Note of Lectures
How to Write Constitutional Opinions on Freedom of Assembly
Ito Takeru
PP. 224 - 251
Research on FOIA and Reverse FOIA cases in Japan
Oshima Yoshinori
PP. 253 - 269
Case Comment
BVerfG-Urteil zu den verfassungsrechtlichen Anforderungen an die Fixierung von Patienten
PP. 283 - 300