10 号
2014-03-20 発行
ISSN : 1880-1897
発行元 : 広島大学法学会
Recent Trend of Finance Lease and its Legal Issues in Japan <Article>
PP. 1 - 26
L'effet de la clause attributive de competence d'un connaissement au destinataire : un autre regard sur l'arret Navire Cisdane <Article>
PP. 27 - 64
Legal Term Usage No.2 : Article Headings of the Constitution of Japan <Article>
PP. 65 - 99
Limits on Legitimate Search : Focusing on Infringement of Rights and Self-Determination <Article>
PP. 101 - 170
Constitutionality of the Dance Regulation in the Act on Control and Improvement of Amusement Business, etc. <Article>
PP. 171 - 206
Administrative Law Pedagogy and Statutory Interpretation <Article>
PP. 207 - 260
Boutrous,Jr. & Evanson, The Enduring and Universal Principle of "Fair Notice", 86 S. CAL. L. REV. 193(2013) <Article Review>
門田 成人
PP. 261 - 271